Monday, 2/24/25
TEKS: (5)(F) respond using acquired content and academic vocabulary as appropriate;
Objective: Today we will respond using acquired content and academic vocabulary
Activity: Watch Of Mice and Men and benchmark conference
Tuesday, 2/25/25
TEKS: (5)(F) respond using acquired content and academic vocabulary as appropriate;
Objective: Today we will respond using acquired content and academic vocabulary
Activity: Watch Of Mice and Men and benchmark conference
Wednesday, 2/26/25
TEKS: (10) (B) compose informational texts such as explanatory essays, reports, and personal essays using genre characteristics and craft;
Objective: Today we will compose an informational text
Activity: Login to Albert
Thursday, 2/27/25
I’m absent
TEKS: (10) (B) compose informational texts such as explanatory essays, reports, and personal essays using genre characteristics and craft;
Objective: Today we will compose an informational text
Assignment: Students complete assignment in Albert
Friday, 2/28/25
TEKS: (9) (E) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
Objective: Today we will publish written work for appropriate audience
Assignment: Write Of Mice and Men essay
Monday, 2/10/25
TEKS: (4)(C) make and correct or confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structure
Objective: Today we will make and correct or confirm predictions
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Tuesday, 2/11/25
TEKS: (9)(B) (i) using an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, topic, and context;
Objective: Today we will use an organizing structure appropriate to purpos
Activity: ACES short response and extended response review
Wednesday, 2/12/25
English I Benchmark all morning
Thursday, 2/13/25
TEKS: (8)(C) evaluate the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes
Objective: Today we will evaluate the author’s use of graphic features to achieve specific purposes
Activity: Watch Of Mice and Men
Friday, 2/14/25
TEKS: (4)(D) create mental images to deepen understanding
Objective: Today we will create mental images to deepen understanding
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Monday, 2/3/25
No class
Tuesday, 2/4/25
TEKS: (4) (A) establish purpose for reading assigned and self-selected texts;
Objective: Today we will establish purpose for reading self-selected texts
Activity: Course registration with counselors for part of class
Read independently.
Wednesday, 2/5/25
TEKS: (7)(A) read and respond to American, British, and world literature;
Objective: Today we will read and respond to American literature
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Thursday, 2/6/25
TEKS: (7)(A) read and respond to American, British, and world literature;
Objective: Today we will read and respond to American literature
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Friday, 2/7/25
TEKS: (9) (D) edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
(i) a variety of complete, controlled sentences and avoidance of unintentional splices, run-ons, and fragments
Objective: Today we will edit drafts to avoid unintentional splices, run-ons, and fragments
Assignment: Revising and Editing lesson and correct TFAR for half credit back
Monday, 1/27/25
TEKS: (1) (D) participate collaboratively, building on the ideas of others, contributing relevant information, developing a plan for consensus building, and setting ground rules for decision making.
Objective: Today we will participate collaboratively
Activity: Read Of Mice and Mice pages 50-61 with small group
Tuesday, 1/28/25
TEKS: (5)(C) use text evidence and original commentary to support a comprehensive response;
Objective: Today we will use text evidence and original commentary to support a comprehensive response
Activity: Read Of Mice and Mice together
Wednesday, 1/29/25
TEKS: (9) (C) revise drafts to improve clarity, development, organization, style, diction, and sentence effectiveness, including use of parallel constructions and placement of phrases and dependent clauses; (D) edit drafts using standard English conventions
Objective: Today we will revise and edit drafts
Assignment: TFAR assignment
Thursday, 1/30/25
TEKS: (5)(C) use text evidence and original commentary to support a comprehensive response;
Objective: Today we will use text evidence and original commentary to support a comprehensive response
Activity: Read Of Mice and Mice together
Friday, 1/31/25
TEKS: (10)(A) compose literary texts such as fiction and poetry using genre characteristics and craft;
Objective: Today we will compose a literary text
Assignment: Vocabulary 2 Test
Monday, 1/20/25
Professional Development - No class
Tuesday, 1/21/25
TEKS: (6)(A) analyze how themes are developed through characterization and plot in a variety of literary texts;
Objective: Today we will analyze how themes are developed through characterization
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Wednesday, 1/22/25
TEKS: (2)(A) use print or digital resources such as glossaries or technical dictionaries to clarify and validate understanding of the precise and appropriate meaning of technical or discipline-based vocabulary;
Objective: Today we will use digital resources to clarify vocabulary
Assignment: Of Mice and Men Vocabulary 2
Thursday, 1/23/25
TEKS: (4)(G) evaluate details read to determine key ideas
Objective: Today we will evaluate details read to determine key ideas
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Friday, 1/24/25
TEKS: (4)(G) evaluate details read to determine key ideas
Objective: Today we will evaluate details read to determine key ideas
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Monday, 1/13/25
TEKS: (6)(B) analyze how authors develop complex yet believable characters in works of fiction through a range of literary devices, including character foils;
Objective: Today we will analyze how authors develop complex yet believable characters
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Tuesday, 1/14/25
TEKS: (6)(B) analyze how authors develop complex yet believable characters in works of fiction through a range of literary devices, including character foils;
Objective: Today we will analyze how authors develop complex yet believable characters
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men together
Wednesday, 1/15/25
TEKS: (4)(I) monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge, asking questions, and annotating when understanding breaks down.
Objective: Today we will monitor comprehension and make adjustments
Assignment: Read Of Mice and Men with reading circle
Thursday, 1/16/25
TEKS: (4)(I) monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge, asking questions, and annotating when understanding breaks down.
Objective: Today we will monitor comprehension and make adjustments
Assignment: Read Of Mice and Men with reading circle
Friday, 1/17/25
TEKS: (8)(C) evaluate the author's use of print and graphic features to achieve specific purposes
Objective: Today we will evaluate the use of graphic features to achieve specific purposes
Vocabulary 1 quiz
Finish reading circles/ Watch beginning of movie
Monday, 1/6/25
TEKS: (4)(B) generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information
Objective: Today we will generate questions about text before reading to deepen understanding
Assignment: Of Mice and Men background notes
Tuesday, 1/7/25
TEKS: (2)(B) analyze context to distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words
Objective: Today we will analyze distinguish denotative and connotative meanings of words
Assignment: Of Mice and Men vocabulary scavenger hunt
Wednesday, 1/8/25
TEKS: (5)(E) interact with sources in meaningful ways such as notetaking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating
Objective: Today we will interact with sources through notetaking and annotating
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men
Begin Chapter 1 double sided notes on notebook paper
Begin Character notes we’ll keep through novel
Thursday, 1/9/25
TEKS: (5)(E) interact with sources in meaningful ways such as notetaking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating
Objective: Today we will interact with sources through notetaking and annotating
Activity: Read Of Mice and Men
Friday, 1/10/25
No School