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Hi Badger students and parents!

If you're here looking for the summer reading information, here is the handout:

Honors English I Summer Reading


Mrs. Cain

This is my eighth year teaching at LHS and I love it! I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2015. I majored in English and minored in Education through the UTeach program. 

email: caink@lisdtx.org

Conference Time: 4th Period, 10:22 - 11:07


Creative Writing

The purpose of the class is to help students pass the English II STAAR Test. This class will further develop reading and writing skills. Together, we will read novels, poems, short stories, and students will read independent books. We will write a variety of genres. This is my fifth year to teach practical writing.


Practical Writing

The purpose of the class is to help students pass the English I STAAR Test. This class will further develop reading and writing skills. Together, we will read novels, poems, short stories, and students will read independent books. We will write a variety of genres. This is my fifth year to teach practical writing.



This class will introduce students to the world of journalism. We will cover journalism history, the different styles of journalistic writing, photography, and page design. This course is required before a student can be on the Badger Tracks staff. This is my 6th year to teach journalism. I was on The Bark staff at Burnet High School and wrote for The Daily Texan at UT.


Newspaper Production (Badger Tracks Staff)

This class will produce the high school newspaper publication, Badger Tracks, and publish weekly stories to the school newspaper website. These students have learned the basics of journalism, and are ready to work as journalists at the high school level. They come up with relevant story ideas at weekly meetings, photograph events, conduct interviews, write stories, and design newspaper pages with my guidance as an adviser. This is my sixth year to be the adviser of Badger Tracks, and it is something I have been wanting to do since I was a student reporter myself. 


Daily Schedule

1st Period - English Test Prep

2nd Period - Creative Writing

3rd Period - Newspaper

4th Period - Conference

5th Period - Academic


6th Period - Lunch Duty

7th Period - Practical Writing

8th Period - Journalism

9th Period - Practical Writing


 Click Here To Login To Canvas For Assignments



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Badger Tracks News Site: lhsbadgertracks.comLinks to an external site.


Follow Badger Tracks on social media: 

Twitter @badger_tracksLinks to an external site.

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