Honors English I

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Syllabus, Rules, and Supplies Needed 

Tutorial Time: 3:20-4:00

Email: caink@lisdtx.org 

Access Mrs. Cain’s teacher website through the district site

Conference: 4th period 10:20 - 11:06


About This Course: 

Throughout this course, students will learn and practice specific reading strategies to make sense of difficult text and to actively think while reading. The required reading for this course includes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. The writing focus will be short constructed responses and analytical essays based on selections read. 


Supplies needed EVERYDAY:

Blue or black pen



Folder used ONLY for English

Notebook paper

Independent reading book

School Chromebook (charged)



In addition to short stories and poems from the textbook:

1st semester: Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose

2nd semester: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

NOTE: These are subject to change if different stories will better serve the students.


Standard Classroom Policies & Procedures

Rules and Expectations

All school rules and policies will be upheld in my classroom. For clarification on particular items and issues, please refer to the 2024-2025 LHS Student Handbook.


This class will follow the LHS Cell Phone Policy:

Students will not be allowed to use cell phones or earbuds during class.

1st offense: device taken to the office and returned to student at the end of the school day

2nd and 3rd offenses: $15 fine and device returned to student at the end of the school day

4th offense: $15 fine and device returned to guardian at the of the school day and two days of ISS


Grading System/Late Work

Daily grades: 40% of grade

Major grades: 60% of grade 

Students who wish to improve their grade if their assignment is failing may correct or redo ONE assignment of their choice per grading period for up to a 70. 

Late and missing work is accepted but 10 points will be deducted on the first day late, 20 points the second day late, and 30 points the third day late. After 3 days, the assignment will receive a grade of 50 if turned in before the end of the grading period. Assignments never turned in will receive the grade of 0.   


Academic Dishonesty 

This class will follow the Lampasas High School Academic Dishonesty Policy. Students who cheat, fabricate, or plagiarize an assignment will receive a 0 with ONE chance to redo the assignment for up to a 70 (if a redo is available for that grading period). Students will only receive ONE chance during the school year to fix a cheating, fabricating, or plagiarism mistake. Additional offenses will receive a 0. 


Monitoring Grades

Parents and students are encouraged to use Family Access to monitor grades.  In order to foster independence in students, if a question arises regarding a particular grade, communication between the parent and student should be the first step. If there are still questions, feel free to email the teacher.   


Absences/Make-up Work

When students are absent, it is their responsibility to obtain missing assignments. Some assignments will be in Canvas. Students may meet with the teacher during academic period or tutorials to make-up missing quizzes or tests and receive missed instruction. Students will have three days to complete any make-up work before it becomes considered late work (including tests).  

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