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Syllabus, Rules, and Supplies Needed

 Badger Tracks Newspaper Staff 2024-2025

Conference Period: 4th period, 10:20 -11:06

Course Description: 

  • Students on the Badger Tracks Newspaper Staff will communicate through print and online media for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written and/or visual communications on a regular basis, carefully examining their copy for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English. Students are expected to become analytical consumers of media and technology to enhance their communication skills. In addition, students will apply journalistic ethics and standards. Published works of professional journalists, technology, and visual and electronic media are used as tools for learning as students create, clarify, critique, write, and produce effective communications. Students will refine and enhance their journalistic skills, research self-selected topics, and plan, organize, and prepare projects in one or more forms of media

    Students will gain practical experience in the elements and processes of producing a student publication including desktop publishing. Programs used may include Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and others. Assignments and deadlines may require attendance at several after/before school meetings prior to publication deadline, and attendance to report at after/before school functions will be required.

Year At A Glance

  1. Staff Expectations (1A, 5A,B,C,D,E, 2F,G)
    1. Establish leadership roles
    2. Establish staff responsibilities
  2. News Writing, Opinion Writing, Feature Writing (1,C,D,E, 2A,B,C, 4A,B,C)
    1. Write stories weekly
  3. Print Publication (1B,C,E, 3A,C, 4A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I, 5B,C,D,F)
    1. Publish 4 printed editions of Badger Tracks newspapers
  4. Online Publication (1B,C,E, 4,A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,J, 5C,D,F,G)
    1. Update Badger Tracks website weekly
  5. Photography and Graphics (1E, 4E,F,)
    1. Portraits
    2. Action sports
    3. Candid facial expressions
  6. Editing and Growth as a Journalist (2D,E, 4J, 5F,G)
    1. Peer edit stories
    2. Work together to edit photos
    3. Work together to design pages
    4. Self - evaluate published work
  7. Advertising (2G, 3B, 4F)
    1. Sell and design print advertisements
    2. Sell and design online advertisements 


As a team, students will produce a student publication that meets high levels of journalistic integrity and follows journalistic ethics.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Attend class regularly 
  • Attend activities and meetings you are reporting on 
  • Be professional
  • Be self motivated to learn and master journalism content
  • Motivate each other 


Standard Classroom Policies & Procedures

All school rules and policies will be upheld in my classroom. For clarification on particular items and issues, please refer to the 2024-2025 LHS Student Handbook.


This class will follow the LHS Cell Phone Policy:

Students will not be allowed to use cell phones or earbuds during class.

1st offense: device taken to the office and returned to student at the end of the school day

2nd and 3rd offenses: $15 fine and device returned to student at the end of the school day

4th offense: $15 fine and device returned to guardian at the of the school day and two days of ISS



  • previous Journalism I credit
  • time outside of class for reporting
  • 1 notebook used as Reporter’s Notebook (interview notes, story ideas, etc.)

Course procedures
Must have Reporter’s Notebook, pen/pencil, and Chromebook at each class meeting. Must return all equipment the day after check out. Keep stories and photos in Badger Tracks shared google drive.

Grading Policy:

  • Each student is required to write and publish at least one story a week. Story assignments will be determined at the staff meeting every Monday during class. 
  • Stories will be published to the Badger Tracks website weekly. Weekend assignments will count as the reporter’s story for the following week. 
  • Staff meetings, peer editing, photographs, page design, and ad sales will also be graded. 
  • Each reporter will write at least two in-depth stories (has at least 4 sources, including one administrator or other high-level source) each grading period for major grades. Printed editions will also be major grades. 
  • Failure to turn in stories or participate in activities related to producing the newspaper will result in 0s which leads to failing the class.
  • Failure to put in the time and effort required to produce quality stories will also result in low and/or failing grades. 
  • Failure at semester will result in removal from the staff. 
  • Knowingly reporting fictitious or libelous information will result in removal from the staff. 

Producing the newspaper would not be possible without outside work. The work created outside of class (photos, writing, interviewing, etc.). It is an expectation that students complete multiple edits on work for student publication. We follow editing steps that ensure our publications are of quality for our school community. Expect to redo work, even when passing grades are earned the first go around.

Late-work/failure Grades Policy:
Late work is not an option. We have a deadline schedule and lateness in work can cost the program huge amounts of money or cause the publication delivery to be delayed. State standards require students to learn/follow a deadline schedule. District policy will be followed on failing grades.

Make-up/Absence Policy:
Students who miss a class due to illness or any other approved absence have one class day for each day missed to make up work. Previously assigned work for which they have had adequate notice and time to complete, even with the absence, should be handed in on time unless the delay is approved by the teacher.

Staff Regulations:
When leaving room for interviews, photographs or other publication work, have a pen and your reporter’s notebook with you. 

Photographers/artists also have camera or sketch pad.
Have your press pass.
Notify Mrs. Cain that you are leaving the room.

 You can lose your privilege of leaving room if you:
Cause a disturbance in the hall or another teacher’s classroom. One teacher’s complaint is all it takes.
Leave campus without permission.
Use the time for a purpose other than interviewing. DO NOT get friends out of class to visit!
Leaving the room without permission.

Equipment usage
You will be responsible for replacing any equipment that you damage or destroy due to your own negligence. Food and drinks are not allowed in any LHS classroom. 

Disclaimer: While the information included in this syllabus is an outline of policies and procedures for the Badger Tracks student newspaper, it is in no way a comprehensive listing of all situations and events that could arise during the course of the school year. In the event that questions arise that are not covered in the syllabus or a manual, each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the staff adviser and/or administration.

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