OnRamps Chemistry 301

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Welcome to OnRamps Chemistry 301

Welcome to OnRamps Chemistry!  This chemistry science course is a dual enrollment class where you will receive a high school and college grade and college credit.   I am excited to be your teacher this school year.  Our goals include academic achievement and scholastic excellence.  

Lesson Plans Links to an external site.Links to an external site.

Syllabus CH 301 (Lecture) Links to an external site.

Syllabus 104M (Lab) Links to an external site.

Year at a Glance Links to an external site.

Student success in distance college courses is dependent upon academic readiness, social maturity, and motivation.  
Students who choose to enter distance college courses via a dual enrollment model are subject to the same rules and regulations as other college students at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin).
Students choosing to take distance college courses do so with the understanding that course rigor and content are intended fora mature, college-level student. Students, instructors, administrators, and parents should keep in mind:
• OnRamps students will be introduced to a learning environment that promotes an open exchange of ideas. Course content
is presented on an adult level and class discussions require a mature understanding of divergent viewpoints and the ability to
think critically about controversial issues.
• OnRamps courses are distance college courses provided through a dual enrollment model, and the amount of work and rigor of content in distance college courses may be greater than in high school courses. Students should be prepared to do
significant out-of-class work.
• OnRamps students must meet the eligibility grade for the course they are enrolled in to enroll for college credit.
• Academic dishonesty consisting of plagiarism or collusion of any kind with respect to college course assignments
and/or examinations, including helping another student cheat, will be subject to the penalties aligned with the University, including the potential result of an academic sanction.
• Assignment deadlines are firm.

OnRamps uses the Canvas Learning Management System where class announcements and reminders, lecture slides, Learning Module videos and quizzes, and all assignments will be posted.  We will operate in a flipped class environment so you won't have homework in the traditional sense.  You will have video Learning Modules to watch, take notes from and answer embedded quiz questions.  Canvas can be used from your Chromebook, any computer or there are Android and iOS applications that can be downloaded to a phone. 

Parental involvement ensures the student’s success.  Please contact me for any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support.  It is my pleasure to be your child’s teacher.  

I am available for tutorials Monday through Thursday 0715-0745 and in the afternoons by appointment. I am also available from 7 am to 5:00 pm daily to answer questions that you email to gehringc@lisdtx.org or through the Canvas inbox.


Guidelines and Policies


  • Respect for the teacher and classmates will provide the best learning environment for all. (Common courtesy)
  • Respect for school property and lab equipment.  Students are responsible for damage or breakage of lab equipment.
  • Follow all lab safety procedures and guidelines.
  • Be in the class, seated and prepared to work when the tardy bell rings.
  • Take care of all personal needs before arriving to class. (Restroom, water, etc.)
  • Bring all necessary supplies to class and use class time wisely. 
  • This is a flipped class. You will be expected to watch video Learning Modules and take notes.

**You must have your Chromebook and notebook in class daily.

  • Take ownership of your success in this class. Develop your own mission statement.
  • Cell phones will not be needed in class; keep them put away.
  • The Student/Parent Handbook will be the basis for standard rules.
  • I will be available to answer questions daily from 7 am to 5:00 pm on my school email, gehringc@lisdtx.org.


  • 35% - Formative:  class work, Learning Modules, Exit Tickets pre-lab and post lab assignments, and daily participation
  • 65% - Summative:  Tests, Lab Conclusions
  • Illegible assignments turned into Canvas will be assigned a grade of 0 with an opportunity to correct your submission.
  • Late and missing work:  In Canvas there will be posted open, due and close dates. For this class if you may turn in an assignment until the close date.  After the close date the assignment will not be accepted and a grade of 0 will be entered in the gradebook. If you are absent no extra time is given, you are still responsible for the assignment, remember the video lectures are on line in your OnRamps Canvas course and I am available from 7 am to 5:00 pm online to ask questions. I will help you if you ask for help.
  • You are responsible to obtain work prior to any planned absence. Please check in with me ahead of time for planned absences.





Blue or Black pen              

5 subject notebook

Colored pencils


1 box of Medical (non-latex) gloves

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