Practicum in Health Science - PCT Syllabus 2024-2025
Instructor: Brook O’Connor, LVN
Contact information: or 512-564-2310
Course Description: This course is designed to give students practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills related to a variety of health professions to pursue a career in the health science industry. This course is designed to prepare students who have a foundation in health science to gain multiple proficiencies, including nurse assistant, phlebotomy, and electrocardiography. Students learn through a combination of instructor-led classroom activities, online lessons, assessments and Clinical rotations. Students will learn to reason, think critically, make decisions, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Students will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in medical terminology. Students will recognize that quality health care depends on the ability to work well with others.
Certification: Students that successfully complete the course and course requirements will be qualified to take the optional Patient Care Tech (PCT) exam offered by the National Healthcare Association (NHA). This exam is proctored on LHS campus.
❑ Transportation to clinical sites
❑ CPR/first aid certification (we will certify in class)
❑ Senior
❑ Previously taken and CERTIFIED in CCMA
❑ TB skin test prior to clinical rotations (start September)
❑ Pass a background check prior to clinicals
Contents of the Course:
(The teacher may change sequence of course as needed for progression of class)
Unit 1 & 2 -General Transdisciplinary: Succeeding as a Student, Introduction to PCT -The profession, ethics, and law, Communication, Professionalism, Infection Control, CPR/ first aid.
Unit 3-CPCT/ A Patient Care Tech
Unit 4-CPCT/A Compliance, Safety, and Professional Responsibility
Unit 5-CPCT/A Infection Control
Unit 6-CPCT/A Phlebotomy
Unit 7- CPCT/A EKG Placements and Readings
Unit 8-Diagnostic and Clinical Procedures REVIEW -EKG, Phlebotomy, Injections, Urinalysis, Blood Analysis, and Basic Microbiology.
Unit 9-Practice Test 1
Unit 10-Assisting with Medical Specialties-Assisting the physician in specialties such as Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonary, Urology, Ob-Gyn, Pediatrics, and Geriatrics.
Unit 9-Practice Test 2
Unit 11-Preparing for the Medical Assistant Board Exam -Reviewing all content from both Fall and Spring semesters. Practice Exams.
Unit 9-Final Practice Exam- Students must Score ABOVE 85% In order to qualify for the Certification Exam!
Unit 12-Patient Care Tech Certification Exam
Grading System: 50% daily grades and 50% tests; 10 points will be deducted for every day that an assignment is turned in late.
Pen or Pencil
Binder with dividers
School-issued computer (every day)
Royal Blue Scrubs (not until October)
Course Policies:
Eligibility- Students must have attended at least 90% of the course and have a passing grade of 70 to be eligible for the Patient Care Tech Certification Board Exam.
Attendance-Please be aware that this is a hands-on course, so attendance is mandatory and required for clinicals and to take certification exam.
Because students will be in clinical rotation outside school grounds, it is imperative that students arrive on time to class. Students may be left if late.
Tardiness-Students arriving late are considered tardy and will be addressed according to school policy. Tardiness disrupts class time and concentration of students in learning. Please come to class on time.
Makeup Assignments- It is YOUR responsibility to ask about your missed assignments while you were absent. You will have 24 hours to complete all make up work for each excused absence. You will need to make arrangements with the instructor to make-up assignment(s) and/or tests.