2020-2021 Year at a Glance

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YAG 9 Weeks - Spanish 1


First Semester

Second Semester

1st Nine Weeks 

3rd Nine Weeks


Students will be able to:

*Spell and Pronounce Spanish Words

*Greet and make introductions

*Say Good-bye and to use certain courtesy phrases

*Describe items related to the classroom

*Express common classroom phrases

*Ask questions

*Express days, dates, and certain holidays

*Use numbers in Spanish


Students will be able to use vocabulary to:

*Greet and say good-bye

*Introduce oneself or others (formally or informally)

*Identify oneself and others

*Describe physical and personality characteristics

* Describe family members

* Express temporary state and conditions

*Express oneś age and ask for the age of others

*Formulate questions

*Ask and tell oneś origin

Students will be able to use correct Spanish grammar to:

*Use subject pronouns

*Use the verb ser, tener and estar

*Use adjectives to describe

*Express possession with possessive adjectives and the preposition de

Students will explore Hispanic culture:


*Hispanic Heritage Month


Students will be able to use vocabulary to:

*Use common expressions about food and meals

*Say what one wishes to eat and drink at different mealtimes

*Represent quantity in words and phrases

*Express desire or want and preference

*Decide what to buy at food stores and perform tasks in a kitchen

*Describe items on a dining table, and actions and expressions related to dining

Students will use correct Spanish grammar to:

Students will explore Hispanic culture:




Students will be able to use vocabulary to:

*Identify and use body parts

*Discuss daily hygiene routines

*Talk about physical and emotional conditions

*Discuss basic symptoms, illnesses, remedies, and healthy lifestyle choices

*to give commands and advice

*to express habits

Students will be able to use correct Spanish grammar to:

*Conjugate and use the verbs ver, oir, oler, doler, decir

*Conjugate and use reflexive verbs (sentirse)

*Conjugate and use affirmative informal commands of regular verbs

Students will explore Hispanic culture:


2nd Nine Weeks

4th Nine Weeks


Students will be able to use vocabulary to:

*Describe a house, furniture and objects in a house

*Express existence and location

*Describe one’s classroom. to identify the location of objects

*Express common activities (household chores)

*Express obligation and necessity.  

*Ask and state frequency of household chores performed

Students will be able to use correct Spanish grammar to:

*Use masculine and feminine nouns

*Use definite and indefinite articles with noun agreement

* Express existence with the verb haber

*Express location

*Conjugate regular -ar, er & ir verbs in the present tense

*Express obligation with tener que and hay que

*Use adverbs of frequency

Students will explore Hispanic culture

*Puerto Rico

*El Dia de los Muertos


Students will be able to use vocabulary to:

*Talk about shopping and schedules

*Express what someone wishes to purchase

*Ask and state where someone is going

*Express likes and dislikes

*Describe and compare clothing and footwear

*Compare the prices of items

Students will be able to use correct Spanish grammar to:

*conjugate and use stem-changing verbs (e→ie) and (o→ue)

*conjugate and use the verb ir & gustar

*Use comparative adjectives

Students will explore HIspanic culture:



*Hispanic Christmas celebrations


Students will be able to use vocabulary to:

*Identify professions and workplaces

*Give commands

* discuss free-time activities, sports, hobbies

Students will use correct Spanish grammar to:

*conjugate affirmative commands with irregular verbs

*Express the present progressive tense (ing - future)

* Use ir & infinitive to express future

*Use the present participle

*Conjugate and use stem changing u →ue verbs

Students will explore HIspanic culture:

* United States

These timeframes are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances and supplies.


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