NHS Service Hours

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All NHS members are required to serve a minimum of 6 community service hours each semester. Service hour sheets MUST be turned in to the NHS box in Mrs. Brayton's room (A206) by the due date indicated on the home page. Turn in the form once all your required hours have been completed. If you have lost a copy of this hours sheet, you must see Mrs. Brayton or Mrs. Race to get another copy. 


Community service must be something that benefits the community (a group of people). This cannot be something that you are forced or "highly encouraged" to do by another teacher/coach/adviser (it is also not you doing a fundraiser for another organization). However, if you are volunteering to do community service for another organization at school, this can count towards the hours of community service you need for NHS. For example, if you are volunteering for football concession stands with the band, this can count as NHS hours too. If you are not sure what counts as community service, check with an adviser first


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