Award Requirements

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There are three possible awards you may receive for participation in Lampasas Lady Badger Powerlifting.

These awards are given at the discretion of the head coach. 

Certificate of participation is given to team members, lifter or manager, who participates in at least one powerlifting meet.

Varsity letters are awarded to lifters who score a total of ten points using the following system:

  1. 3 points per year of participation
  2. 7 points for qualifying and participating at regionals
  3. points acquired for placing at meets, 3 points for first place, 2 points for second place, 1 point for third place

The Battlin' Badger Award given to the most outstanding lifter is determined by using the Malone formula to rank the lifters. The lifter with the highest Malone formula total will be named the Battlin' Badger.

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